Welcome to…

The Process Room.

“Hello, I’m Linton Davey.”

As the founder of The Process Room, my ambition is to provide a place where Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy integrate to simplify life for all who seek liberation from constrictive thoughts and processes that keep their world- and their existence- functioning at a minimum. 

I have called this place The Process Room. It is here that my goal and my desire are united: to see my clients live their most empowered life; to witness them living a life beyond limits. 


Helping You Live Beyond Limits.

The Practice of Integrated Therapies.

Integrated Therapy is the combination of differing modes of therapy, or ‘modalities’.

In The Process Room, the modalities of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy combine to create a highly-effective, yet seemingly-singular, form of treatment.   

Strategic Psychotherapy assists the client in quickly identifying the pattern of thought and behaviour that supports or empowers the perpetuation of their condition or concern. 

Clinical Hypnotherapy is the process of inducing a deep, trance-like state in which the client experiences a heightened sense of focus and concentration. It is in this state that the mind connects to the subconscious, to the place where it is more receptive to hypnotic suggestion and the suggestion of change.

Therapy at The Process Room commonly provides results after the very first treatment. Now, imagine yourself- after completing our recommended 4 to 6 visits- living your life beyond limits!

And so, I invite you to The Process Room: to re-connect with your optimal self and your freedom, to a fuller version of the life you want- and deserve- to live; and to experience your life at its very best...every day, and in every way!

My goal and my desire are united: to see my clients live their most empowered life; to witness them living a life beyond limits. 
— Linton Davey

 Clinical Hypnotherapy + Strategic Psychotherapy

Founding President + Member of the International Strategic Psychotherapy Association
Graduate of the Institute of Applied Psychology, Australia
Graduate of the College of Holistic Counselling, Australia
Masters Graduate of the Australian Institute of Business 
International Strategic Psychotherapy Association Number: ISAP0004
Australian Hypnotherapists Association Number: SM2020768
Working With Children Check Number: WWC0690157E

© The Process Room. All Rights Reserved. 2022-24